Yeay. My first award coming from
Nichan . Thankieess dear :))
So here's the deal, to receive award i should following these rules;
1. Jawab pertanyaan ini (Answer these questions) :
-Udah berapa lama blogging? (How long have you been blogging?)
Umm...since i've got my own laptop and able to bought a cheap modem. LOL.
-Kapan pertama kali blogging? (When did the first time you blogged?)
My first posting was on January 2009
-Apa tujuan kamu bikin blog? (What is your purpose of making a blog?)
At first i just wanna know how it feels to have a public space written by you and having the worlwide people read it. It forced me to learn english better. But nowadays it became something more. I start to explore my passion for fashion here. Having this blog make me work harder to create something good because i feel responsible to post an inspired thing for my reader. Insya Allah :)
-Siapa yang bikin kamu terinspirasi untuk bikin blogmu jadi kayak sekarang? (Who inspired you so that your blog becoming like now?
Well, Diana Rikasari had the first place when it come to inspire me and Hana Tajima is the 2nd but she's become much more inspiring than others. Love you girl ;)
2. Bikin post tentang award ini (Make post about this award)
Yup. Done
3. Kasih award ini ke 4 blogger lain (Send this award to four other bloggers)
4. Contact those bloggers and tell them about their award!
Soon :))